

  • Commercial pilot licence in 1968
  • Flight instructor rating in 1973
  • Airline licence in 1985
  • 4000 hours flight instruction
  • 10000 hours airline flying on BAe 146
  • 23000 + hours total.
  • Endorsed on most Cessna, Piper and Beechcraft twin engined piston and turbine powered aircraft, as well as Merlin, Nord, CASA, Nomad, Turbo Commander and Boeing 717.
  • Test pilot on Jabiru aircraft in 1989.

About John McEvoy

Ratings: APF no.337, Instructor rating in 1971, (no. 163),  F licence issued in 1977 (F61), Display D no. 336, SCR no.388

Jumps: Started jumping in 1969 with Ramblers

Phone: 07 5423 1159

This is the place for your AFF Skydive Course! It was one of the most memorable experiences of my life and in no small part due to the great people at the Toogoolawah dropzone. I highly recommend this place for those considering learning how to throw themselves out of a perfectly good airplane. You won't regret your decision.

“no nonsense attitude and professional approach” – by Sean B.

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