
Calendar of Events

Ramblers Events – Famous For Fun!

Skydive Ramblers organises skydiving events throughout the year at our dropzone in Toogoolawah near Brisbane. We host regular weekly events for fun jumpers, ongoing Learning Curve Camps for new skydivers who want to continue improving their skills, special holiday events, and of course the biannual Equinox Boogie.

Check out the calendar of events below and come join us for one of our upcoming Toogoolawah & Brisbane skydiving events!

Mar 15 - 16

Vertical Descent #7

This will be a 2 day intermediate Static Head Down event consisting of 2 groups with coaches Matt Thomas & David Schlatter. Group sizes will be a 6 way and a 9 way. Please only apply for the event if you have experience in this discipline with these size groups or have attended a couple of the previous camps. A Head down crest is mandatory to attend the event, as well as top notch freefly friendly equipment. Full commitment to 2 days will be required to gain a slot and maximise progression. *** R E G O C O S T ** $150 for the 2 day event. Rego will be non-re-fundable if a participant withdraws from the event and we can’t replace them. Please get in touch with us via FB Messenger if you are interested in participating. This event is brought to you by the team at VD Static, Skydive Ramblers, SQPC and TSC.

» March 15 - 16, 2025

Mar 15 - 16

Nachos Angle Camp - Pop Art Edition!

Toogoolawah jumpers, this one’s for you! With the Flying Nachos hitting the road for camps across Australia this year, we won’t be running as many events at Ramblers—so if you’re local, this is your chance! What’s on the Menu? Top-notch angle flying for all levels. Pop Art Party – Dress up and bring your best Warhol-worthy look! Nacho Trivia Night – cheap jokes, big laughs, and spicy prizes! Don’t miss out—secure your spot before it POPS away! Let’s Go Nachos! (Click on event title for the Registration link.)

» March 15 - 16, 2025

Mar 22

Belly Bash - Load Organising with Dawn & Chris

An all-abilities event celebrating all things belly-down! Got your B Licence and not sure what to do next? Want to fine-tune your FS flying skills? Bored of turning the same old points and run out of ideas? Or are you a seasoned pro and just want to get involved in some fun jumping with a like-minded bunch of legends? Then get yourself to Toogs and find Dawn Adams and Chris Dodds, who will be spending the day organising loads, coaching for free, and helping you create some gravity-fuelled epicness. This event is supported by Skydive Ramblers, the Toogoolawah Skydivers Club Inc., the Queensland Parachuting Association, and Mee Loft. More info in the event description.

» March 22, 2025

Mar 23

TSC Star Crests

TSC Star Crests are back! Let the coach know if you would like to go for your Star Crest and how many you need. Or if you have your Crest and would like to come participate generously giving back to our up and coming skydivers and also having a good time while improving your own skills. Requirements: – B-Certificate; – Have Continued doing 4 way + relative jumps after finishing B-Rels; – Have read the APF Star crest / big way guide; – Be confident in your own flying ability; – Have a Safe attitude and awareness for others in the sky. The event is supported by the TSC and SQPC.

» March 23, 2025

Apr 21 - 25

Learning Curve Camp

A week long event for students, novice and anyone else who wants to improve their skills and broaden their knowledge of everything skydiving. AFF, B-rels, tracking, freefly, starcrest, canopy, rigging, spotting & gps. Plus loads MORE. A personalised mini-boogie with heaps of midweek loads! All landings videoed each day and debriefed as a group, videos of the day’s jumps screened each night. Seminars most nights on a number of topics.

» April 21 - 25, 2025

Jul 7 - 11

Learning Curve Camp

A week long event for students, novice and anyone else who wants to improve their skills and broaden their knowledge of everything skydiving. AFF, B-rels, tracking, freefly, starcrest, canopy, rigging, spotting & gps. Plus loads MORE. A personalised mini-boogie with heaps of midweek loads! All landings videoed each day and debriefed as a group, videos of the day’s jumps screened each night. Seminars most nights on a number of topics.

» July 7 - 11, 2025

Oct 6 - 10

Learning Curve Camp

A week long event for students, novice and anyone else who wants to improve their skills and broaden their knowledge of everything skydiving. AFF, B-rels, tracking, freefly, starcrest, canopy, rigging, spotting & gps. Plus loads MORE. A personalised mini-boogie with heaps of midweek loads! All landings videoed each day and debriefed as a group, videos of the day’s jumps screened each night. Seminars most nights on a number of topics.

» October 6 - 10, 2025

That was the most exciting adrenalin rush I have ever had. It was made so easy by the staff and those who jumped at the same time as I did. Not only did I feel included, but the genuine friendly nature of the people in that plane dissolved any nerves I had. What was so invigorating to see, was the eagerness of all to get out of the plane with no hesitation. Now: to the guy who took me as a Tandem, Tye, I know this man personally and wanted to jump with him. That never distracted from the professionalism shown and practiced by this Tandem Master. You made it easy and fun and beyond that safe. You are one top notch flier and I will jump again with you should I ever decide to do it again. Thank you so much everyone.

Barry Smith.

“…the people in that plane dissolved any nerves I had” – by Barry Smith

Skydive Ramblers Newsletter